It’s time to learn how to beat the final chapter in the Canine Cases mission in AE Mysteries! I am here to share with you the full Adventure Escape Mysteries: Canine Cases – Chapter 4 Walkthrough in case you got stuck.
Remember, I also have the step by step solutions for each of the previous chapters:
- AE Mysteries: Canine Cases Chapter 1 Walkthrough
- AE Mysteries: Canine Cases Chapter 2 Walkthrough
- AE Mysteries: Canine Cases Chapter 3 Walkthrough
But now, let’s focus on this final episode. Here is the walkthrough for AE Mysteries Canine Cases Chapter 4:
1. Tap the rock to remove it, tap the dirt pile and get the key. Use it on the green mailbox and get the Binoculars.
2. Get the strap from the horse and use it to get the loose metal bar from the fence (near the word “Petals”). Use the metal bar to get the Garden Shears from behind the gate. Finally, use the shears to cut the shrub from the gate.
3. Use the binoculars on the colored fields behind the fence. Look at each color field to see how many there are (2 blue, 1 orange, 3 yellow, 6 pink).
4. Now, if you look at the fence, you notice that each bar on the gate has a number of flowers on it, and also a corresponding letter above. Now, we only have to see which letters have the number of flowers indicated by the colored fields:
S – S (blue)
C – L (orange)
R – T (yellow)
L – E (pink)
5. Tap the middle of the gate and use the letters above to open it (tap the outer and inner layer of petals to move the petals):
6. Get the wheel and attach it to the cart. Get the map from under the seating area. It’s a funky labirinth:
7. Now, tap the road to start moving. With the help of the map, guide the carriage. Here’s how you should go: up, left, right, left, right, up, up, left, left, right, right, middle, right.
8. Tap the Prairie Dog first to talk to it. Then, use the shears on the red plant in the barrel and pick it up. Tap the pink plant on the shelf to knock it over and pick it up. Also get the brush and phone charger from the same area.
9. Use the brush on the solar panel, then zoom into the table. Plug in the phone charger and Nitro will give you a screwdriver. Use it to remove the screws from the white device above the seeds, and get the battery.
10. Use the screwdriver on the crate and get the blue plant. Tap the plant display behind the dog and place the plants from your inventory onto the shelves.
11. Go to the phone and unlock it. Tap the arrow on the phone’s screen (next to Dad) and tap the QR reader icon. Get the phone. Also notice the plant seeds – each tells you if a plant needs Partial Shade, Full Sun or Full Shade.
12. Go to the plant display and use the phone to read the QR codes. You will have to drag the phone around a bit until the QR code is centered. This way, you will learn the name of each flower.
13. Tap the yellow lid box near the cart and zoom into it. Using the info from the seed packets and the name of the flowers, you can now solve the puzzle by tapping the sun for each position of the flowers in the display. Check them out below (bottom right one is full sun):
14. Place the battery inside the mini drone and pick it up. Use it to get the squeaky toy and give it to the dog. Then, tap the Prairie Dogs and you will have a new puzzle to solve.
15. Swipe over the bottom Prairie Dog: down, right, right, right, down, right (5 times) then up.
Swipe over the top Prairie Dog: Left, left, up, left, left, left, down, down, down, left, left, up, up, up, right, left, up, up, up, right.
16. Tap the ladder and tap the valve to turn it. Get the rake, get the Video Game Cartridge from the box under the table and turn the newly revealed valve on too. Finally, tap the flower pot on the table and get a Pipe Wrench.
17. Use the rake on the leaves on the ground. Get the knob on the ground.
18. Tap the sink and get the Garden Fork. Use it to remove the loose brick on the ground and turn the valve on.
19. Turn the water on, and it will push the cube down the drain. Use the pipe wrench on the pipes below the sink to get the cube.
20. Tap the puzzle to the left of the door and place the cube in the missing spot. We need to solve the puzzle by tapping each cube to create paths. Re-create an image as the one below (you still have to push the bottom right one once more):
21. We can see that the algae are all on a shape: circle (connected to the fish with 4 stripes), triangle (2) and diamond (3)
20. Tap the TV on the table and place the cartridge in the console. Use the knob on the TV to make it work. The little birds are the hint for a clock (little bird points at 9, big one at 2). Move it to channel #2. You will see the snake game image (count the shapes: 4 circles, 2 triangles, 8 diamonds):
21. Use the shears on the plants on the ladder, then tap the clock. Drag the small hand at 9 and the large one at 2. Tap the shapes to reveal the birds and count the feathers on their head for each shape (2 circle, 1 triangle, 3 diamonds):
22. Now tap the main door and under each symbol, insert the numbers corresponding to the shapes: 423, 213, 428.
23. Now we have to complete the most difficult scent trail puzzle ever, with two different ones. Please follow my instructions below or refer to the video below, courtesy of my friend Aylin Bell (Left = L, Right = R, Up = U, Down = D):
1. L, U, R, D, L, D, D, R, U, U, L, D, D
2. R, R, U, L, U, L, U, U, R, R, R, R, R (now you should be in the top right corner)
3. D, D, L, D, D, L, U, U, U, U, L, D, L, U
4. L, D, D, D, D, R, R, R, R, R (now you should be in the bottom right corner)
5. U, U, U, L, U, L, L, D, R, D, R, D, R, U, U, U
6. L, D, L, U, R, R, D, D, D, L, U, U, R, U, L, D
7. D, R, U, L, D, D, D, L, L, U, L, D, L, U, R, R, D, L, U, L.
This is it! You have completed the new case and I sure hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. If you don’t know what to play next, I recommend these other puzzle games for which I have published walkthroughs:
- Beyond the Room Walkthrough
- Boxes: Lost Fragments Walkthrough: Chapter 1: Intium
- Boxes Lost Fragments Walkthrough: Chapter 2: Nexus
- OR play the Cube Escape & Rusty Lake games in order.
Got a game or series you’d like me to post walkthroughs for? Let me know by commenting below!