Having trouble beating Rooms&Exits Chapter 2 Level 1 – Dining Room? Then, check out my complete walkthrough for this level below and you will complete it easily!
Yes, completing this level isn’t easy – as it’s always the case – but eventually I managed to solve it, after using plenty of in-game tips and trial and error. But now I can share the full solution with you, in case you are completely stuck too.
I still recommend you try to do it yourself, using the in-game hints, but if you’re still stuck here is the Rooms & Exits Chapter 2 Level 1 walkthrough!
Rooms & Exits Chapter 2 Level 1 Dining Room Walkthrough
- The first object you can take is the water carafe on the table.
- Look closer at the chair at the end of the table and grab the corner of the 2 of clubs.
- Move over the corner of the rug to find a key under it.
- Check out the potted plant in the right corner by the window.
- Use the water to water the plant and you’ll find a 3 of diamonds.
- If you look at the lamp over the table you can find a lighter, a fruit picture, and a card game symbols clue.
- Taking a closer look at the drawers under the glass showcase you’ll find a blue lightbulb.
- The ones under the mirror hold a lighter gas and a Queen of spades.
- Also, the drawers under the painting are hiding a cutter.
- Put the blue lightbulb on the lamp and look at the table.
- It’s a representation of the painting on the wall.
- Go to the painting and use the cutter to cut through it and take the 9 of hearts.
- Looking at the fruit picture in your inventory, you need to do some math.
- spades x diamond x hearts – clubs + spades
- The equation is based on your cards: 13x3x9-2+9=358
- Now go to the lock on the glass showcase and enter that code.
- Open it and take the soldier doll.
- Combine the key and the doll to get the crumpled paper.
- Combine the lighter gas and the lighter to make it work.
- Combine the lighter and the crumpled paper to get a code that shows up from the heat.
- Enter the code 8563 into the toolbox on the right side of the glass showcase.
- You’ll find a key inside that you can use to get out of the Dining Room.
And this is it! You managed to escape!
If you still need extra help, don’t hesitate to comment in the dedicated section.
Also, make sure to check out some of the previous walkthroughs in the series, listed below:
Why would the queen of spades equal 13 and not 12?