Review of the new Surface 11.
Strings of Fate Collector’s Edition.
A hidden object puzzle adventure game.
From Elephant Games.
With free demo available for PC and Mac. And now also out on iOS.
See my post, included below for the full list so far.
New Surface HOPA Game
Title: Surface: Strings of Fate Collector’s Edition (CE).
From: Elephant Games.
Genres: Mystery, Hidden Object, Puzzle.
PC release: June 2017.
Surface 11: Strings of Fate
Plot: Your little sister has been kidnapped by two Brothers of Fate! With the help of a third Brother, it’s up to you to save her. With the odds stacked against you, can you find a way into another world and rescue her in time?
Collector’s Edition Extras
- 5 Chapters. Plus Bonus chapter in the CE.
- 4 Game modes: Casual, advanced, hardcore and custom.
- Comprehensive strategy guide.
- Hidden object games including text and silhouette lists. And interactive HO games.
- Puzzles and mini-games. Which you can skip if you want.
- Collect morphing hidden dolls. To unlock stories for each major character.
- Find hidden flowers throughout. To unlock extra HOPs in the Secret Room.
- Travel map, use to jump-to a location. Also shows you where tasks are available. And the areas where you’ve found flowers and other collectibles.
- Other extras include concept art, wallpapers, soundtrack, re-playable HOPs and mini-games.
Surface 11, Strings of Fate takes us to a surreal world of fantastical creatures. Where you are drawn into a war between three supernatural brothers! When a game of chance leads to two of them kidnapping your sister. Luckily, the third brother decides he’s going to help you rescue her.
This HOPA game has excellent bright crisp graphics, some good background music and sound FX. To create the right atmosphere for this otherworldly adventure.
The puzzles and hidden object games are good. Include a range of variety and challenge. And tie-in well with the story. And there’s a good amount of CE extra game play.
However the story is not as engaging as it should be, given the set-up. But instead derivative of previous Surface games. Also the dialog, especially from the brothers, is a bit humdrum. They are not convincing as powerful supernatural entities. Instead they come across as a bit tame and boring.
Overall, Surface 11 is an OK HOPA game. Visually excellent and good game play. But the story and characters were a bit bland.
(For a better Elephant Game new release, check out my Haunted Hotel 14: Personal Nightmare – Review.)
This is the 11th installment in the series. See my post: Surface Game Series List. For all the game titles in the series so far. For computer and mobile, in order of PC release.
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More Elephant Games Series
For more HO adventure game series by Elephant Games! Available for computer, tablet and phone. See my other posts:
Grim Tales Games Series List.
Haunted Hotel Game Series List.
Mystery Trackers Series List.
See also my latest Mystery Adventure Games. News and reviews for PC, Mac, Android, Fire, iPad and iPhone.
And my 10 Best Hidden Object Games Series of all Time! For computer and mobile.
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